Beware the Ongoing Risk of Employee Misclassification

By |2022-08-18T08:45:23-04:00December 11th, 2017|Business|

We live in an increasingly specialized society.  As such, there’s a growing subset of the workforce with distinctive skill sets that can perform high-quality services.  Through independent contractor relationships, companies are able to access these services without the long-term entanglements of traditional employment.  And yet, risk remains.  Classifying a worker as an independent contractor frees [...]

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Do You Need the Protection of a D&O Insurance Policy?

By |2022-08-18T08:45:24-04:00December 4th, 2017|Business|

Your efforts toward ensuring your financial security might be focused on building up your assets through wise investing or growing your business.  But protecting the assets you already have is just as important.  And if you serve as a director or officer of a company, or even sit on the board of a nonprofit, your [...]

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Should You Convert From a C Corporation to an S Corporation?

By |2022-08-18T08:45:25-04:00October 30th, 2017|Business|

Many private business owners elect to incorporate, turning their companies into C corporations.  But, at some point, you may consider converting to an S corporation.  This isn’t necessarily a bad idea, but it’s important to know the ramifications involved.   SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES S and C corporations use many of the same record-keeping practices.  Both [...]

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In Down Years, NOL Rules Can Offer Tax Relief

By |2017-08-22T13:35:37-04:00October 2nd, 2017|Taxation|

From time to time, a business may find that its operating expenses and other deductions for a particular year exceed its income.  This is known as incurring a net operating loss (NOL). In such cases, companies (or their owners) may be able to snatch some tax relief from this revenue defeat.  Under the Internal Revenue [...]

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What Sales Orders Are and When to Use Them

By |2022-08-18T08:45:28-04:00September 18th, 2017|Business, QuickBooks Tips|

They’re not as commonly used as invoices. But if you need them, they’re there. When you want to document sales that you can’t (or won’t) fulfill immediately, but you plan to do so in the future, you can’t create an invoice just yet. This is where sales orders come in. You may never need to [...]

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Leasing Property to Your Business Might Trigger Undesirable Tax Consequences

By |2017-06-23T10:02:39-04:00August 14th, 2017|Business|

If you own property and a business, there’s an obvious temptation to lease that property to the business.  Such an arrangement can make sense from many perspectives. You’re no doubt familiar with the property and its advantages to your company; the deal could be carried out quickly; and the money changing hangs would stay between [...]

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