Fringe Benefit Rules for 2% S Corporation Shareholders

By |2022-08-18T08:47:06-04:00September 24th, 2012|Taxation|

Employee fringe benefits paid on behalf of a 2% S corporation shareholder are subject to special rules. A 2% shareholder is one who owns more than 2% of the corporation’s outstanding stock on any day of the corporation’s tax year, considering direct and constructive ownership. Under the family stock attribution rules, a person is considered [...]

Lower Your Taxes by Purchasing a Business Vehicle

By |2012-09-14T10:51:20-04:00September 17th, 2012|Taxation|

As we enter the final quarter of 2012, purchasing a new business vehicle may be an effective way to lower your 2012 tax bill.  The tax code allows increased first-year depreciation limits for qualifying vehicles purchased and placed in service during 2012. Taxpayers can claim up to an additional $8,000 of first-year depreciation (in addition [...]

Selecting a C Corporation’s Tax Year

By |2022-08-18T08:47:08-04:00July 2nd, 2012|Taxation|

Businesses that operate as C corporations have substantial flexibility when selecting a tax year.  However, businesses that operate as partnerships or S corporations are restricted by law in their choice of a tax year.  Once selected, a tax year generally must be maintained until the business is required or elects (with the IRS permission, if [...]

QuickBooks Tips And Tricks: Make it Yours

By |2022-08-18T08:47:09-04:00April 20th, 2012|QuickBooks Tips|

No matter which version of QuickBooks you're using, there are always ways to make your workday easier. As with any software, we tend to learn the features we need and not much more. But small changes in the way you operate can add up to significant time savings and more accurate files. If you jumped [...]

Customer Refunds: Are You Doing Them Right?

By |2022-08-18T08:47:10-04:00February 7th, 2012|QuickBooks Tips|

Refunds. You probably wince at the word. Some – like customer refunds for returns – are fairly uncomplicated, thanks to QuickBooks' tools. Others, not so much. You may find yourself unable to balance your accounts receivable. There are numerous scenarios that necessitate the use of credit memos, including overpayment, order cancellations and bad debt write-off. [...]

Which is best for your Business: Section 179 or 100% Bonus Depreciation?

By |2011-11-09T09:20:52-05:00November 9th, 2011|Taxation|

Taxpayers who acquire assets for use in their trade or business activity have a very good chance of writing off the entire cost, thanks to 100% bonus depreciation plus very generous Section 179 deductions limits.  If there is a choice between them, this article will help determine which of these options is most beneficial.  First, [...]

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