QuickBooks 2012: New Paths to Better, Faster Financial Management

By |2022-08-18T08:47:12-04:00October 24th, 2011|QuickBooks Tips|

As it usually does this time of year, Intuit has introduced new versions of its Pro and Premier products. QuickBooks 2012 promises to help you get better organized, save steps, and acquire more in-depth financial insights. The new Express Start is designed for businesses that want to blast through setup and start entering customers and [...]

Fourth Quarter Tax Planning Ideas

By |2022-08-18T08:47:13-04:00October 3rd, 2011|Taxation|

Thanks to the extension late last year of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, the current federal income tax environment remains favorable.  Now is a good time to take advantage of the low tax rates because we obviously can’t predict future tax rates.  This article presents several tax planning ideas to consider this fall while [...]

Classes or Types? When To Use Them

By |2022-08-18T08:47:14-04:00September 29th, 2011|QuickBooks Tips|

QuickBooks' standard reports are critical to understanding your company's past, present, and future. But the program also offers innovative tools that can make them significantly more insightful and comprehensive. QuickBooks offers two simple conventions that let you identify related data: classes and types. Classes are used in transactions. Types are assigned to individual customers, vendors, [...]

Tracking Bills in QuickBooks, Worth the Effort

By |2022-08-18T08:47:14-04:00September 21st, 2011|QuickBooks Tips|

Next to payroll, paying bills is probably your least favorite task in QuickBooks. You don't have to use this feature – you can keep stacking bills on your desk, scrawling the due dates on a paper calendar, and writing checks. If you're still operating this way, though, you're missing out on the numerous tools that [...]

Add/Edit Multiple List Entries Simplifies Record Changes

By |2022-08-18T08:47:15-04:00September 15th, 2011|QuickBooks Tips|

Add/Edit Multiple List Entries Simplifies Record Changes Data entry and modifications in QuickBooks can be tedious. Beginning with QuickBooks 2010 Pro Edition and above, that job got a lot easier. The Add/Edit Multiple List Entries tool does just what its name implies: It lets you add entries to your lists of customers, vendors, services, inventory [...]

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