Taxable or Nontaxable Income?

By |2022-08-18T08:47:08-04:00July 9th, 2012|Taxation|

Most of the income we receive is taxable, but certain types of income are only partially taxed or not taxed at all.  The following are some of the more common types of income that individuals receive and an indication of how they are treated for federal income tax  purposes. Adoption Expense Reimbursements:  Taxpayers adopting a [...]

Selecting a C Corporation’s Tax Year

By |2022-08-18T08:47:08-04:00July 2nd, 2012|Taxation|

Businesses that operate as C corporations have substantial flexibility when selecting a tax year.  However, businesses that operate as partnerships or S corporations are restricted by law in their choice of a tax year.  Once selected, a tax year generally must be maintained until the business is required or elects (with the IRS permission, if [...]

Qualified Charitable Distributions

By |2022-08-18T08:47:11-04:00November 16th, 2011|Taxation|

IRA owners and beneficiaries who have reached age 70 ½ are permitted to make cash donations to IRS-approved public charities directly out of their IRAs.  These so-called qualified charitable distributions, or QCDs, are federal-income-tax-free to you, but you get no itemized charitable write-off on your tax return. But, that’s okay because the tax-free treatment of [...]

Which is best for your Business: Section 179 or 100% Bonus Depreciation?

By |2011-11-09T09:20:52-05:00November 9th, 2011|Taxation|

Taxpayers who acquire assets for use in their trade or business activity have a very good chance of writing off the entire cost, thanks to 100% bonus depreciation plus very generous Section 179 deductions limits.  If there is a choice between them, this article will help determine which of these options is most beneficial.  First, [...]

Federal Taxation of Social Security Benefits

By |2011-10-03T09:49:54-04:00October 17th, 2011|Taxation|

With millions of baby boomers close to retirement age and job losses inflicting financial strain on additional millions, many taxpayers are looking to social security benefits for financial assistance.  So, we thought this would be a good time to discuss how social security benefits are taxed by the federal government. Individuals may have to pay [...]

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